
blue taiga frozen 
like posing for a photo 
a purple frame 

harmaa metsä 
sinisen taivaan alla 


rippling blue snow 
covers the frozen tundra 
white Arctic sun 

jäiset aallot 
valkoisen auringon alla 
sininen lumi 


Haiku Collection Vol. III

dried oak leaves
history book in the park
I leaf through it
fell follows fell
framed by frosty forest
arctic freeze
a snowflake drifting
the elegance of a swan
cast into ice
blizzard disappeared
a world of white remains
the views revived
trying to tune
to the frequency of spring
winter plays on
February evening
sun and moon meet briefly
to swap gossip
the imprints blow
the cover on walker's tails
hare and magpie!
treading the meadow
carefully not to produce 
broken petals
sunset by the sea
mother nature's paintbrush
dipped in orange
footprints chained
in the afternoon sun
snow painted purple
swans' glamour
disappearing head or not
the grace remains
an empty moment
ducks hang in the air
over clear water
reindeer and tree maze
nowhere to go but away
from the mosquitoes
more rain coming down
my hope of more snow still lives
but it's stopped breathing
lapwing's flight
like a pen's path in the sky
bird and poet bond
twenty-five below
winter shouts its presence
muffled by logfire
weary goldeneye
meets cacophony of ducks
on a blue canvas
blue heaves away grey
the sun pushes out the clouds
spring finds its voice
feeling the view
smell of spring up on the fell
curvaceous earth
a single leaf
oak tree but a memory
nestles in a pond
crow caws 
like a rough-hewn blackbird
out of tune
the spring has a sprint
winter reduced to hobble
on melting snow
raining on snow
like strong alkali and acid
carnage created
snow-clad birches
flakes floating from above
everything stops
core of the winter
with its trusted cure-all
a sunny day
dry oak leaves
like a book in the park
grounded history
city at midnight
a forest of lights
woken up by moon
a blue moment
punctuated with white
swans pass by
hunker down
under a wild spruce tree
create your haven
swimming upstream
swans know not to compete
pace yourself
special offer
a real sliver of blue sky
framed in silver
pink meets blues
the most beautiful sunset 
deserves a trophy
willow profesies
early buds on wren's branch
a sunlit perch
unrivalled blues
cloud framed February sky
the sun crawls through
mass of grey clouds
yet hinting of days to come
a blue bonnet
hedge at four AM
blackbird singing its heart out
no modesty
beachcombing moment
the ocean's locks dyed blue
sky brushed gold

an old log barn 
shivers at minus thirty 
its shadow stays still 

pakkanen paukkuu 
heinäladon varjo 
lumella häilyy 


twinkling on a fell 
ground of flawless white 
sky of perfect blue 

tunturin laki 
maa ja taivas hehkuvat 


willow grouse moving 
one in an almighty hurry 
its friend sauntering 

kaksi riekkoa 
yksi kovin kiireinen 
toinen köntystää 


remains of daylight 
reindeer hooves crunch 
with the hard snow 

lumi narskuu 
poron sorkkien tahtiin 
auringon jäänne 


the puzzle of trees 
frosty snow covered maze 
wren leaves it unsolved 

talvinen metsä 
oksien labyrintti 

the hare is aware 
listening in on the sounds 
of the Arctic 

jänis varuillaan 
katselee ja kuuntelee 
sulautuu lumeen 


the dots joined
ptarmigan's footprints glisten 
 on chrystalline snow
pilkut viilattu 
kiirunan jalanjäljet
lumella kiiltää


raven's croak
frosty Lappish morning
willow grouse wakes up
korpin huuto
Lapin huurteinen aamu
riekko herää


enclosed by trees
on pristine fresh white snow
the sunlight reflects
puiden lomasta  
puhtaalta hangelta
valo heijastuu


otter's trail on snow
starts at flowing water
ending in the sunset
saukon polku
 joesta lumelle vie
aurinkoon päättyy


swans and pink water 
white-throated diver resting 
 on a snowy stone 

 joutsenten koti 
Lapin idylli 

Arctic breeze
frozen spruce's complaints
heard by swirling snow

 jängän puhuri
jäisten kuusten narinan
vain lumi kuulee


distant snow clouds
with the threat of blizzard
 reindeer galloping
lumisade uhkaa
harmaa ottaa vallan
luonnon u-käännös


willow grouse's cackle
sun glimmering on fresh snow
winter sounds and sights
riekon huuto
auringon säihke
talven arki


winter's day with 
half the moon still awake 
mist on the snow 

puoli kuuta 
vaan ei vielä peipposta 
utu valtaa mäen 


wishes from the snow
eyes and ears beam it through
good morning 

silmät ja korvat 
lumesta toivottavat 
hyvää huomenta 


snow shaped by winds 
fells sculpted by ice age 
colours of winter 

tunturin laki 
tuulen hiomat hanget 
talven kulkutie 


Arctic silence 
forest dusted with sugar 
blues under the moon 

mykkä erämaa 
valkeaksi maalattu 
kuu katsoo metsään 


blue Arctic evening 
at the end of the road 
moon landing 

sininen ilta 
tien päähän laskeutuu 


the tree shrugs 
we are fresh out of snowflakes 
tap closed for the day 

pyryn jälkeen 
puu levittää käsiään 
hiutaleet loppu 


measured and found 
to be quite sufficient 
white snow blanket 

uusi ammatti 
helpompi kuin talonmies 


frozen lake 
carrying distant reindeer 
hare tracks pass by 

järven jääkansi 
porojen kylmä maantie 
talven pastelli 


freezing dawn 
the soft snow gently hugs 
sleeping Lappish trees 

aurinko herää 
pakkanen yhä kirskuu 
nukkuvat puut 


coat matches the snow 
peering past the birches 
hare on two feet 

kaksijalkainen jänis 
pettuleipää syö 

Haiku Collection / Kokoelma Vol. II

Collection of haiku, Vol. II
Kokoelma haikuja, Vol. II

This is a bonus post, a collection of my haiku. 

Most of them have been published on Twitter by my tweeting presence @haikuinenFeel free to follow me on Twitter. :)

angel of the spring
the first returning skylark
lands on melting snow

fresh cut basil
a Naples restaurant table
conjured up by smell

the sun peeks gently
low over the horizon
won't offend winter

swans gone for a day
yet they return without fail
mysterious ways

the magic of dawn
makes me a believer
in a round earth

freshly baked bread
eaten by sunny window
the doorbell rings

the sun tries to find 
the frequency of summer
winter triumphs

rapid pace of life
just time to see each other
the buzzards' spring

the dark doves of soul
whitewashed by the morning sun
albatrosses glide

sun's warmth conjures up
scent of freshly fallen snow
wren's song approves

barn owl in the night
does not see its own feet
hears everything

still some swans remain
forty below in Lapland
the believers

walk in the woods
see the light come and go
fence with the sunset

the snowflakes descend
wearing an innocent look
kidnapped sunshine 

the rain coming down
so hard the timbers shake
old oak floor

snail on a tin roof
even the lightest rain will
destroy the silence

January freeze
in need of an opponent

tough, solid ice
its tensile strength destroyed
by mere warmth

last rays of the day
in need of a safe haven
land on my eyes

black and green
intertwine in the sky
stratospheric show

in their crowded nest
blackbird chicks twittering
is mum coming back?

everything done
the sun pulls the horizon
over its head


Haiku are poems structured roughly thus:
three lines, first line five syllables, second line seven syllables 
and third line five syllables. They usually deal with nature and (can) include 
several different 'quirks' to make them... well... haiku!