
monochrome squirrel 
only thing moving in freeze 
paused on snow 

oravan tauko 
paussi sulaa pois 


two halves of a larch 
standing in the sunny freeze 
black and white winter 

latva kesän jo näkee 
tyvi talveen jää 


white Lamborghini 
atop an old red Volvo 
made in Lapland 

lumen taidetta 
valkea Lamborghini 
Volvon päällä 


A circular winter haiku

branches free of snow 
the wood turns up from the trees 
winter magic 

lumi putoaa 
jo näkyy metsä puilta 
talven taikaa 


3 alphabetical senryu on skylarks

  --- A trio of silly alphabetical(*) senryu with the prompt "skylark". ---

promptly quashes riot
skylark tazered
skylark tackles
unbelievable views with
yellowhammer's zest
kwit larking man
no ornitology puns
quips rare skylark

(*) Spot the deliberate mistakes...

in fell's blue shade 
January freeze lingers 
the outlook sunny

tunturin varjo 
pakkanen säilöttynä 
aurinko siintää 


shoot up the soft slope 
crispy snow softly shining 
skis briskly hissing 

sauvo suhisten 
säntää ylös vastainen 
sujuta sukset 


like turning a page 
you know to take a new turn 
when necessary 

hiirikin tietää 
joskus suunnanmuutos 
on välttämätön 


the dark night will come 
as the moon follows the sun 
sleeping white forest 

yö seuraa päivää 
kuin kuu aurinkoa 
lumi metsän jää 


ancient recycling 
hiding under snowy shroud 
absent birch leaves 

luonto kierrättää 
lehdet alla lumiverhon 
koivujen horros 


shadows in the snow 
yesteryear's weed wearing 
sparkles from the sun 

lumen varjot 
auringon hiutaleita 


January's senryu collection

Assorted senryu, Vol II

A collection of my ramblings on Twitter. I hope these amuse, entertain or annoy you, maybe even enough to leave a comment.

nothing will
fill your heart with joy
like the midday sun
eying icy steps
gathering up my courage
a downhill struggle
walking on the brink
the cat was pushing it's luck
ended up in drink
in front of TV
about to bow to the gods
of wasted time
I have no explanation
yet it all makes sense
birch trees at dusk
darkness trying to teach
the sun a lesson
to teach is to show
just like writing a haiku
no explanation
to teach is to show
much like to write a haiku
do not tell
an online swindle
computer hacked, I struggle 
with con's science
you're never too old
to teach an elderly dog
new tricks
finish a verse
get the syllables to match
bask in false glory
that's my book started
all it took was pondering
twenty years is nowt
old or young
the proverbial dog
always learns
some of us ought to
drink from the fountain of couth
to trump lunacy
a haiku a day 
keeps the noggin doctor at... 
the starting blocks 
to believe in fate
a bit like trusting a farm
only with a tee
trying to billow 
brain the size of a planet 
coming up with wisps 
frosty the snowman
asks for no explanation
winks knowlingly
snowing sideways
duvet day is my protest
the world can wait
a startled cat
photographer in search of
the purrrfect shot
the challenge I have
come up with a funny line
failed -- boom-no-tish!
two thousand haiku
all I've got to show for it
a loaf of stale poems

--- Some Science Haiku, i.e. Sciku. I see these more as senryu than haiku: ---

may every force be
with equal and opposite
as well as with you
rim and corona
total eclipse of the sun
the brightest diamond
rim and corona
while the sun joins the dark side
brightest diamond shines
medieval jewel
primitive planetarium


  --- Yes, it really was National Cheeselovers' Day somewhere in or around Twitterland: ---

a very merry
primary dairy

  --- Murdoch / Mrs Merton thingie: ---

no need to wonder
what attracted Jerry to
the millioneer guy

  --- An old joke turned into senryu: ---

Just can't put it down
I'm reading a book about

--- This one loses its effect without the associated photo of the "ICY" licence plate in the snow: ---

a licence plate
states bleeding obvious
the cheeky blinder

  --- Project Runway assessment: ---
designers bitching
outcamping each other
make it work!

--- Three senryu to the prompt "Venetian" ---

a venetian mask
fit for pantalone
no one to hide from
how to compile
the uncompilable verse
I no speak venetian!
tintoretto paints
like a good samaritan
or venetian

night's moonlit forest 
perfect snowy harmony 
dark and light mingle 

lumi valaistu 
päivä vai yö metsässä 
kuu kyselee 


reindeer and calf 
crispy snow underhoof 
winter's soft light 

poroillakin on 
talvipäivän seisaus 
silmät tarkkana 


frosted fell spruces 
siege from oncoming snow 
paints the world grey 

lisää lunta odottaa 
harmaa jo saapui 


waiting for summer 
blue and white hide the green 
snow without sunblock 

tammikuun loppu 
sinivalkea metsä 
aurinkoa juo 


dynamic trio 
hare, magpie and gentleman 
must've been a sight 

kova kolmikko 
jänis, harakka ja mies 
yhdessä kulkee 


frozen river 
blinks at first rays of the sun 
otter's pink drawing 

jäisen joen 
vuoden ensisäteissä 
saukko pulkkaillut 


towards hazy clouds 
a journey to clarity 
crispy winter's day 

valosta pilveen 
talven kulkijalle 
raja häämöttää 


a frozen moment 
nothing can crack the winter 
the world in blue 

talvi seisahtaa 
mikään ei voi liikauttaa 
sinistä maailmaa 


scattered diamonds 
low winter's sun glistening 
stoat's icy highway 

sulavat hitaasti 
kärpän pikatie 


messages beaming 
into the satellite dish 
lights from outer space 

antenni kuulee 
signaalit avaruuden 


sharp crackle of ice 
the wilderness unperturbed 
cygnets' soft feathers 

rapea päivä 
erämaa ei palele 
linnutkin sitkaat 


reindeer on the lake 
minus forty below 
blue skies above 

porot jäällä 
aitta vahtii rannalta 
pakkanen paukkuu 


fells shivering 
in frozen pastel landscape 
shadow of the earth 

pallas poseeraa 
talven pastelleissa 
maapallon varjo 


lake in midwinter 
sky already seeing warmth 
the solstice has gone 

järvi ei tiedä 
varjot sen piilottaa 
kesä lähenee 


the end of a birch 
woodchips on crystalline snow 
beaver's work started 

koivun loppu 
padon ja pesän alku 
majavan työmaa 


last year's hare 
screeched to sudden a halt 
time to change coat 

jänis havahtuu 
pysähtyy uuteen lumeen 
turkinvaihto nyt! 


the frozen forest 
from monochrome to colours 
first glimpse of the sun 

jäätynyt metsä 
oranssi maalaa harmaan 
kaamoksen loppu 


A collection of haiku / Kokoelma haikuja

This is a bonus post, a collection of my haiku

Most of them have been published on Twitter by my tweeting presence @haikuinenFeel free to follow me on Twitter. :)

feasting reindeer 
under a notion of sun 
crispy foothold 
aurinko kätkettynä 
rapea kaamos 
a bee can distract
end furious gasping
hiccups interned
(an alphabetical haiku)
January breeze
leaves rushing past the bus stop
no two are the same
big bang for a start
the calendar does not shrink
there is no end
new frost in old snow
shimmering crystals of sun
nature's bling bling
tundra is my castle 
fur to keep away the cold 
antlers to crown me 
the wind is awake 
ocean beneath the cliffs
tired stone
spiral of the snail
a journey to its centre
in search of me
a fly on the wall
standing, flying and all-seeing
needs no ears or hands

Haiku are poems structured roughly thus:
three lines, first line five syllables, second line seven syllables 
and third line five syllables. They usually deal with nature and (can) include 
several different 'quirks' to make them... well... haiku!

A collection of senryu / Senryu-kokoelma

This is a bonus post, a collection of my senryu

Most of them have been published on Twitter by my tweeting presence @haikuinenFeel free to follow me on Twitter. :)

hills fading away
the horizon eats them up
total abandon
top of a fell
the moon won't abandon sky
lakes laced with pink
liika julkisuus
hyötyy vain #teriniitti
#imetysgate rulez
last year's plans
swans fly off to the sunset
the penny drops
the hour has come
baker street at the ready
sherlock has landed
good things come to he who waits
sherlock and watson
mouldy old bunch
crackers the lot of them
blue cheese eats well
snail yarn leeks bulb joke 
list your things googled today 
then forgotten 
gone the fireworks
remember last year through smoke
daze gone by
tekisinkö nyt
ensi vuonna ehtii kai
kiirekö tässä
just wondering
what can I leave til next year
twenty minutes in
looking for a clue
shopping detectives find none
shop full of weeds
new year's rocket
in a blaze of vainglory
racket bonanza
winning formula
I drive just a tad faster
fifty seconds won
losing formula
I drive just a tad faster
ninety dollars lost
ten past eleven
minutes from the future
so happy new year
man's quest to impress
burns crateloads of gunpowder
smoke aids his vision?
sanoi mustapartainen
mies kuusitoista
the world has come to a halt
#whatsapp is down

Senryu follow the same structure as haiku but have subject matters 

more to do with man, life and feelings, rather than nature 
and seasons like haiku. Wittiness and jokes are allowed.