
Botaiku collection Vol.I

"Botaiku" are haiku or senryu on the theme of botany or gardening. Mine are written mostly in response to prompts by a great guy on Twitter going by the handles @TheBotaiku and @CnstantGardener - thanks!

a raindrop attack
orchids shake in terror
nature's drive-by
foxgloves in the wind
nature's impeccable bells
a damselfly soars
moving carefully
like a jay in a thorn tree
january sun
in search of sunshine
the vine climbs ever higher
a stout believer
the hibiscus knows
after the darkest of nights
the sun will still rise
the long twining stem
in support of mute bells
poor man's ginseng
an old greenhouse
sunshine reflects from the glass
a robin takes off
sunshine looking
for a garden to garnish
please let it be mine
trying to claw back
the vine after a hailstorm
soothing sunshine
daylight trespassing
the church turns the other cheek
ivy's steeple climb
a midsummer boost
fragnance of damiana
lands with the breeze
a vision in blue
bilberries ripe for a pie
heaven's scent
I'll send yer bones
to Davy Jones' locker
you evil plant, yarrr!
sunflowers bloom
yellow brightens up the view
salt of the earth
change in job title
"head of mucking about"
ousts gardener
palm leaf's shadow
like a fan of dark feathers
tickling my foot
purple foxglove
flowers in shipshape rows
a calm evening
March sunset
the sky has coloured its hair
with beetroot
daffodils in snow
no one said it was easy
yet spring triumphs

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